Interior - Honours (Interior Design)

Haven; Eating Disorder Recovery Centre

Haven is an eating disorder recovery centre that offers residential treatment and day treatment for young women between ages 18-25. The recovery centre aims to provide support for those who are deemed “not sick enough” by the public health system but require support beyond outpatient services. Haven aims to challenge the stigmas around eating disorders through its design and encourages healing through creating community and creating a space where hope can be cultivated through community, knowledge and discovery.

the proposal


The key concept of Haven is hope. Hope forms the foundation and driving force for recovery, it helps to see the light at the end of the tunnel and gives purpose. The overarching concept of hope then informed the sub themes of reflection + discovery, connection + community and knowledge + education.


exterior pathway

outdoor kitchen

communal garden


art studio

outpatient entryway

waiting area

indoor garden

level 1


dining room

bedroom entryway



level 2

Jennifer Wong Lin

Jennifer is passionate about the wellbeing of people and designing spaces that support this. She is driven by the desire to help societal issues through the application of design and creating spaces that leave a positive impact on its users.